I'm so excited to be heading off to Portland next week to the IDAL (International Decorative Artisan's League) conference! It's a place where I get to hang with others who do what I do, which unfortunately, I don't get to do a lot of here.
Three years ago, I was fortunate enough to attend convention in San Francisco. It was a fabulous time and I took some fun classes and created some great new sample boards. The most valuable thing that came out of that convention, however, was the friendship created with Diane Williams, an artist from Mechanicsville Virginia. We happened to have a class or two together and immediately became soul sisters. We have so much in common it's scary! We call each other at least three times a week to sometimes collaborate on a finish or just to tell what's going on in our lives.
Well, Diane is going to be in Portland for convention and I am so excited to see her. Her parents live there and have invited me to stay with them. I am incredibly blessed for that. So I dedicate this blog post to my friend Diane, the fabulous artist and wonderful friend!
Here's some of her amazing work..........enjoy!